How to Reset TP Link HS100HS110 Smart Plug

YoucanefficientlyconserveenergyandsavemoneywhileusingtheSmartPlugstocontrolyourspaceheatersandfans.TheSmartPlugtracksyourdevice'spower ...,評分4.4(23,639)TheHS100allowsyoutocreateschedulestoautomaticallypoweronoroffyourhomeelectronicsandappliance...。參考影片的文章的如下:


[PDF] HS100 Wi-Fi Smart Plug with Energy Monitoring HS110

You can efficiently conserve energy and save money while using the Smart Plugs to control your space heaters and fans. The Smart Plug tracks your device's power ...

Kasa Smart WiFi Plug by TP-Link

評分 4.4 (23,639) The HS100 allows you to create schedules to automatically power on or off your home electronics and appliances at anytime. You can create a schedule for each ...

HS100 | Kasa Smart Wi-Fi Plug - TP

The Kasa Smart WiFi plug now comes with energy monitoring. Manage plugged-in electronics, set schedules, and pair with Alexa or Google Assistant supported ...

HS100 | Wi-Fi 智慧插座| TP

遠端存取: 不論在哪,只要連上網際網路,使用您智慧型手機上的Kasa app,就可以讓手機連線至智慧插座進行管理。 · 排程: 您也可以對智慧插座進行排程設定,以控制它在您需要的 ...

下載HS100 | TP

重要: 型號和硬體版本的可用性因地區而異。請至您地區的TP-Link 官網查看可用的產品。 產品簡介. HS100(US)_V2_Datasheet. 相關文件. HS100(US)_V2_Quick Installation ...

HS100 | Wi-Fi 智慧插座| TP

遠端存取: 不論在哪,只要連上網際網路,使用您智慧型手機上的Kasa app,就可以讓手機連線至智慧插座進行管理。 · 排程: 您也可以對智慧插座進行排程設定,以控制它在您需要的 ...

隨時隨地開關家中電器TP-LINK Smart WiFi Plug HS100

智能家居日漸普及,很多用家亦會由家電開始步署智能化計劃,近日TP-LINK 推出一款名為Smart WiFi Plug 智能插座,提供Wi-Fi 連結裝置,讓用家能使用特制的 ...


YoucanefficientlyconserveenergyandsavemoneywhileusingtheSmartPlugstocontrolyourspaceheatersandfans.TheSmartPlugtracksyourdevice'spower ...,評分4.4(23,639)TheHS100allowsyoutocreateschedulestoautomaticallypoweronoroffyourhomeelectronicsandappliancesatanytime.Youcancreateascheduleforeach ...,TheKasaSmartWiFiplugnowcomeswithenergymonitoring.Manageplugged-inelectronics,setschedules,andpairwithAlexa...